New split EP with DL Diedrich!

We just released a new split EP with DL Diedrich! It’s available here. It features one new original song from each of us and one cover of each other. I think Mr. Diedrich did a much better job with “Middle of the Ocean” than I did. Enjoy! -Matt Electric Needle Room
We’re releasing a new EP with the Worsh Ahts on August 5th!
We have an announcement. If you hate reading, just watch our video we made about the announcement here. Basically, we are excited to announce we are releasing a new split EP with Pittsburgh’s The Worsh Ahts called “Uplifting Songs for the Downtrodden Heart.” As expected, these are positive songs to hopefully lift your spirits- three […]
We have a new album coming out January 11th

It’s called “It’s Getting Personal,” and I’m pretty excited about how it turned out. Believe it or not, this will be our seventh full-length release. People keep thinking we broke up years ago, but here we are, still releasing catchy songs about everything from Facebook to wearing clothes that don’t match to spare kidneys. The […]
The Presidents of the United States of America (Volume 3) will be available everywhere on Presidents Day!

Download now for $3 or wait until Presidents Day (February 18th) and get it for free!
“The Presidents…(Volume 2)” is now available, yo

Today is the official release date for our album “The Presidents of the United States of America (Volume 2).” You can download it for free or “name your price” on Bandcamp, through Itunes, through Amazon, or through CD Baby. The choice is yours. In case you haven’t kept up with Electric Needle Room, here’s the description for this album: […]
New music video about babies crying
“The Colic Song” by Electric Needle Room
Ink KC features story about Electric Needle Room, the nerdy side of Matt is revealed American history has a musical champion { special to ink } brianne pfannenstiel Most musicians sing about relationships, raging parties, love, life. But not Matt Beat. Matt Beat sings about dead presidents. Actual dead presidents. Like George Washington and Millard Fillmore. His one-man band, Electric Needle Room (bonus points if you can name the […]
Electric Needle Room is famous…at Blue Valley High School!
Here is a wonderfully written article in the Blue Valley High School paper about Electric Needle Room. BVH student Emily Brown did a fantastic job! Here you can see Electric Needle Room on TV on the Blue Valley High School TV station. See, I told you they were famous…at Blue Valley High School! Blue Valley’s Tiger […]
Another Great Review of the Presidents Album!

Here is a link to the review. Stupid questions The Electric Needle Room tackles the presidency — in song By Luke X. Martin, Thu., Feb. 24 2011 @ 7:35AM Chances are, you’re not quite who you set out to be when you were in high school. Making it as a professional athlete takes more dedication […]
“The Presidents of the United States of America (Volume 1)” is now available!

Get it here on Bandcamp, and pay whatever you want for it. You can have it for free, or you can have it for $1 million, but nothing in between! Just kidding! But I wasn’t kidding about downloading it! Download it now! Here’s a nice review of the album… Chances are you’re not quite who […]