Electric Needle Room

Posted by bridge0814 on Thu, 08/23/2012 – 9:55am in bridget mcquillanmusicnebraskanebraska pop festivalvideo

by Bridget McQuillan

In its fourth year, the Nebraska Pop Festival attracted bands from as far as Iceland and Germany, while still showcasing plenty of local artists and bands from around the Midwest. From July 10 to July 15, bands of all sizes and many genres graced Barley Street Tavern in Benson. Proceeds from each night benefited Arts for All, Inc.

When I attended the festival, Barley Street was still in full swing as five acts closed out the five-day music experience. Following his set, I talked to Matt Beat of Kansas duo Electric Needle Room, who is working through the United States presidents and crafting songs about each of their lives. Beat teaches seventh grade history in Kansas City and uses his songs to make learning about the life of, say, Zachary Taylor a little more interesting.

When Wisconsin band Animals In Human Attire finished their set, I tracked them down and finally got to an interview after 15 minutes of banter and laughing with the six band members. They had decided to make the most of their eight-hour trek from Milwaukee to Omaha and stayed in Omaha for three days, playing music on front porches and swimming in lakes.

Nebraska Pop Festival from Hear Nebraska on Vimeo.